Thursday, 7 December 2017

the adventures of captain underpants term 3 week

 Title: The adventures of captain underpants

Arthur:  DAV PiLkeY

There was two boys called George beard  and Harold  Hutchins. and they were best friends. and they went in the same class to together. but one day Mr Krupp the Principle. came and split them to another class. 
Image result for the adventures of captain underpants

about my artist

 Monet's is a artiest a really famous person who made cool painting my favourite is this one he makes so  much paintings he made 2,500 paints 

This week all of mamaku 1 watched this video how George made the glass horse at first it was confusing it was so satisfyingly it looked so cool when it was finish it really look like one but it did not have a lot detail   

what i know about fossils

This week have been learning  about  fossils and Archaeology at first it was confusing. But then she shored us the slide then i got it fact that dinosaurs used to live here and the first dinosaurs. Was sea dinosaurs. not normal Dino. it was cool we have been reading there to Books with one there is a book that has two dinosaurs story that one is called Mary Annings. And the dinosaur hunter they are  different books complicity but they are describing about fossils there is one that i couldn't finish is draw your own picture of a fossil.


This week mamaku hub was listing this team that they try and survive in the wild but they get tasks and if you fail you go home so we desisted  that we do that but not get dissimilitude.  The first time we had to chooses a  group and choose a name for our team. And here is a picture of my team  in the garden and  this what Finn is wearing is this wire thing i don't know what it is  

here is another picture of us trying to get this moth to eat because we were hungry. 

The whole day at shanty town

On wednesday m1 and m3 year 5 kids went to shanty town when we got there there was two people.  Miss barber and mrs b they said no running no they feeding the weakers and there was baby's ones they were so cute we put our bags at church and then we got to get change. Into old fashion close then we was going and we did princess bending and there then we all meated in the church then we got teleported in 1866 when george dobson alive
Then we went to watch the movie then water
Was splashing   and i was actually miss b. Slashing it then we had morning tea here is a photo of us outside of the church then we went  on the train  here is a photo of us
in front of the train then when we go for a  
Walk but we got robbed and he stole all our gold  
Now we got to find the robber the mission was find him
  then we went back to the church to describe the person that stole our gold and her watch To be continue of the hunt.

Te Reo Maori

this week we have been going  to  te hiringas and learn new food in Maori it is really interesting some words i need to ask around me so i know the words for the food like panana it is banana in English  and we learn  them sometimes we learn them each week.