Friday, 21 September 2018

The second day of Prep 2018 Grey main school

On Tuesday September  17 2018

Grey Main is doing a Prep program that the whole school gets in to groups and plan what they are going to make and what are you going to apply to a worker,warehouse,Rata helper,pohutukawa helper,CEO.
First there is the mini market and big market mini market  that you can sell some of your items and big market is where you can even order some item from mini market and get it from big market.
We had to make a journal about how it was and what you did and rate it up to ten.
I am a helper in Rata we have been going windmills and spinning tops with the spinning tops we will be decorating them then sell them the class with the most money from prep.

Friday, 17 August 2018

The Marae visit Lavinia

Tuesday 14th 2018
M3 went to the Marae with T2 P3 R4. When we got there we had to walk slowly into the Arahura Marae because it is showing respect to the ancestors. The people of the Marae call out to us to greet us. When we come up to the wharenui we need to walk on the left of the post and take our shoes of to show respect. Then we do the hongi so how you do it you shake there hands and then do nose to nose i know it sounds weird  that means for them  we came in peace. My favourite part was the food was delicious because you get one hot food one apple and a piece of cake. I also liked how in the wharenui on the roof there were lights that changed colour.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Imagination drawing

This week Mamaku 3 have been doing imagination drawings. This means that we had to draw a picture from what pops up into our minds. 

My picture  is about the stairs going down to the great tower with roses, a sand stone wall stranding, and a black roof with a potato girl walking down the stairs.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Self Respect

Monday, 2 July 2018

Movie poster - The one and only Ivan

  Last  Two weeks mamaku 3 have been reading the one and only Ivan we had to make a movie poster and I write about  the start of the story and his friends. Ivan is a silver back gorilla his fur is dark grey with long soft hair his eyes are brown rusty wooden eye. He likes to draw bananas and paint bananas his friends are two dogs one called snickers and the other is called Bob there are two elephant called Stella the big elephant and Ruby The baby elephant.

Monday, 28 May 2018

The one and only Ivan

This is my word  what i describe about him and what he does he is really smart and he is silver black back he was acting like a human  he got too big so he got sent away in a wooden crate