On Monday T1 and T2 We all meet in the tech center then we got into our cars and went to camp at Hanmer Springs it took 2 hours and 45
I was in a car with Matthew. Liam , Allie , And myself
When we first got there we went to out cabin and it was only me and Allie in room M8. Then we did our activity. I was group 1 we did mountain biking. I was not ready for it but I still did it after that we went to the hot pools. I mostly went in the hot pool the Hydroslide. I went it sometimes I got cold real quick. After that we had tea we had Spaghetti bolognese. It was really nice. Then we had dessert we had ice cream and fruit salad so nice. Then we had to get in our cabin and relax and no spotlight boo.
In the morning we went to have breakfast then get dress then do our morning stuff then we did our next activity it was orienteering. We had to get a map and had to find the codes for points we didn't go to well. After that we went back to the camp with hurting legs. Then we had lunch then went to the hot pool So fun but cold. Then we did the next activity we did cemetery and statues. We walk to the cemetery it was cool to see the older person and the youngest person. Then we drove to the statues that was cool there was a eagle two badgers and some rats that was so cool then we went the wrong corner then we got lost we went back to camp gone to the hot pools still so cold then we had tea and we had devil sausages with plain rice the dessert we had Lava chocolate cake and ice cream then we went to sleep
Tree climbing it looks fun but when you get on it gets hard I was up high then I looks down my legs were shaking
We woke up we had breakfast morning stuff we did out last activity Conical Hill. It was fun going down the hill not coming up the hill. Me and Finn picked up porcupines. There were so many small ones. When we got up at the top of the hill it looked so pretty blue sky big mountains birds chirping and the pretty sun shining. Then we went to the lollies shop we only had to spend 5 dollars other people brought like 20 or more money then we went back to the camp and headed home.
My favourite part of camp was hot pools and Conical Hill not going up going down
By Lavinia you should go to Hanmer Springs camp it is so fun
Here is some photos of us going to Hanmer Springs
