Friday, 23 October 2020

Moa Note Taking


We had to do a moa note taking task about a moa did u know they lived until 500 years ago.

Grandparents day

 Today we had Grandparents day, we had to bring our grandparents and show them what you have done. I did a funny picture with my mum. I showed them my titanic writing. They had to go to the Tech center cause it was little lunch they had a lot of food there. I was jealous.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Life Cycle of a Turtle

We had to do Life Cycles of a animals and I chooses a turtle to do. These are some of the facts and how the life cycle works. 

By Lavinia

Friday, 14 August 2020

Enlargement Art 2020

 Smiling Dumbo Crochet Pattern | Disney cross stitch, Disney crochet  patterns, Disney cross stitch patterns

 This week we has to choose a cartoon character of your choose then  you had to get a big piece of paper and you had to make a grid mine was 7 by 7 squared long I did dumbo well it is harder than you think.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Emotions/Feelings in Maori

This week we did Maori and we had to do the emotions like pai that means your good in Maori.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Lantern day

On Thursday night we had to make a lantern and decorate it we got to paint it any color we liked and i put blue pink white and i use masking tape paint and glitter 

Life Cycle of Honey bees

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Pet Day Maori

Today we had pet day we had to bring a pet to school and you do a Maori template that you have to talk about what your pets name and the breed or if it is silly or loud but you have to do it Maori.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Book character day

Today it was book character day. it is when you get changed into book characters. And I was Cat in the hat. There was many Cat in the hat. Well here are a photo of me as Cat in the hat

Friday, 12 June 2020



Do u like fluffy Buffalo
 We'll see that the Yaks are so fluffy and they are intelligent creatures. Yaks belong to the same bovine family as the Asian Water Buffalo, the African Buffalo and the American Bison. They are her herbivores and munch on grass ,flower, moss, and tubers Wild male yaks can reach a height of 6-1/2 feet and weigh as much as 2,200 pounds .Females are about 1/3 the size

The domestic yak is a long-haired domesticated yaks found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Northern Myanmar, Yunnan, Sichuan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia. It is descended from the wild yak.

Mars Questions

Mars: The Red Planet Questions

  1. Find and copy the correct word to complete the sentence.

Mars is named after the God of ___________________

  1. Which of these are reasons why Mars is a good place to explore?

  • Mars gets enough sunlight to use solar power.
  • A day on Mars is very short.
  • There is no gravity on Mars.
  • There is a little water in the soil on Mars.

  1. How many moons does Mars have and what are their names?

  1. What is a day called on Mars and how long is it?

  1. Find and copy a word from the text which means ‘working’

  1. Write true or false next to the following statements.
  • Venus is so hot that lead would melt on its surface.
  • Mars has a diameter of 6,793km.
  • A day on Mars is slightly shorter than a day on Earth.

  1. Which planet has the highest possible temperature: Earth or Mars?

  1. Why does it seem odd at first that NASA has chosen to explore Mars and not Venus?

  1. Look at the section titled ‘The Mars Rover’. What other subtitle could you use for this section? Explain why you have chosen it.

  1.  Look at the section titled ‘Why Mars?’. Why do you think the author has put the facts about Mars into bullet points?

Monday, 4 May 2020


This week we have been doing poems about Autumn and this is my poem it was pretty hard i hope u like it 

Thursday, 23 April 2020

|Special place|Romania|

This week we had to choose your special place.
And I choose Romania I hope you like it and GOOD BYEE :P

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Hide & Seek

Today for writing we did poems I did hide and seek it was pretty hard at first but it became easy this is my poem i hope u like it 

Friday, 6 March 2020

Diamante poem

This week in T1 has been doing Diamante poems. This is my Diamante poem I chose about my cat and dog. 

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Acrostic Poem

This week we have been doing all about me task and